Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Map Fun

NYT has lots of great maps to play with based on census survey data. No big surprises on race/ethnicity in my urban hellhole. Mostly white people in center city and the parts of West Philly around Penn. Eastern South Philly is fairly white with significant Hispanic (largely Mexicans from Puebla) and Asian (mostly Vietnamese) populations. Most of the rest of the city is largely African-American, with a big Hispanic pocket in North Philly and another white pocket up in the "great" Northeast. Buy ads on this site

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Victory For The Insidious Park Lobby

Planning for more parks in the urban hellhole.

Joking aside, I'm not actually anti-park, it's just that too often "build a park" is just code for "block development." And some development is good! More than that, often parks aren't really built for use by humans and poorly maintained parks aren't really an improvement over vacant lots. They basically are vacant lots.

So, build parks! But build them for people and maintain them.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Tried to visit one night but did not have a reservation and could not get in. LaBan gives it 3 bells.

Barbuzzo official site.

Playing Tonight

Kung Fu Necktie has Tennis with Family Portrait at 8PM.

Yours Truly Presents: Tennis "Pigeon" from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

Shine On Us

This is either an exciting new blog about all things Philadelphia or it is just a way or me to finally play around with new blogger template features in anticipation of redesigning my other sucky blog somehow.